Today hit hard. Waking up to see a candidate elected who embodies values I can’t support—racism, misogyny, divisiveness—left me feeling heartbroken and angry. I cried twice, feeling like my voice, my vote, and my values didn’t matter. It’s hard not to feel defeated. But even in this swirl of sadness, anger, and disbelief, a flicker of purpose is keeping me grounded.
I’ve felt frustrated with the state of things before, but today, I feel an urgency to act in ways I haven’t considered until now. I’ve voted, marched, voiced my opinion on issues that matter, but I’ll be the first to admit that my activism has been very small. This election has changed that for me. While I may not be able to change everything, I’m ready to take more action—big or small—wherever I can.
I understand that small steps might seem insignificant when what we’re up against feels so enormous. But even in the darkest moments, small steps toward kindness, empathy, and resilience create ripples. They don’t replace larger activism or systemic change, but they’re a part of it. And if I can raise my daughter to embody those values, if I can help even one family find the strength to do the same, then maybe that’s one small piece of change.
I know that real progress means showing up for each other on a larger scale, advocating for marginalized voices, and supporting each other’s activism. It’s not enough to simply “be kind” or “stay calm” on days like this. This is a time for both personal and collective action. And while I have enough humility to know that I can’t change everything, I can choose to be part of a movement toward something better, one step at a time.
So today, I’m choosing to feel everything—the anger, the sadness, and the hope. I’m choosing not to turn away but to lean into what I can do, however small. My voice, your voice, OUR voices—they matter, now more than ever. And while today is undoubtedly a step back, let’s keep moving forward, together. ❤️